MinnCAP Executive Director Represents Community Action at President Biden's Speech

When President Joe Biden stopped in Minnesota to tout his economic plan on Wednesday, he made sure Community Action had a front-row view. It just shows how MN's Community Action's impact is growing nationally.
MinnCAP Executive Director Lori Schultz was one of a few selected community leaders invited to hear the President speak in person yesterday.
Schultz said she felt honored and humbled to join rural Minnesota farming families, high school Future Farmers of America students, state policy makers and others from across the state at a local third generation family-owned farm – Dutch Creek Farm in Northfield.
This is Community Action's third brush with the President and White House this year.
Earlier this year, MinnCAP's former Executive Director was invited to a gathering of Minnesota leader's at the White House. In September, MAHUBE-OTWA Community Action staffer Gerilyn Lopez was invited to participate at the White House's first Climate Summit.
Wednesday, President Biden focused on investing in rural America, restoring pride in rural communities who have been left behind. Many of Minnesota's Community Action Agencies serve rural clients who struggle with energy bills and other issues.
He highlighted two of his key legislative achievements of his economic plan, including significant spending on clean energy and climate change mitigation and providing big- boosts to roads, bridges, wastewater systems and broadband connectivity.

"Because of these investsments, we're making sure family farms like this one stay in the family, and their children and grandchildren won't have to leave home to make a living," President Biden said.