Housing Partnership - United Community Action Partnership


United Community Action Partnership (UCAP) has partnered with Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA), Greater Minnesota Housing Fund (GMHF), Turkey Valley Farms and the city of Marshall to build five single-family, four bedroom, affordable houses in the city of Marshall in southwest Minnesota. A recent housing survey completed for the city of Marshall showed a need for over 600 additional housing units by 2025. The grant application from UCAP was submitted to MHFA’s IMPACT Fund and was awarded at the end of 2016. Housing development is a new venture for UCAP in an effort to help meet the growing demand for housing in the area.

The houses are being built and we are helping to bridge the value and affordability gaps with financing supplied by MHFA, down payment assistance provided by GMHF, 0% construction loan funding from Turkey Valleys Farms and reduced prices for the lots from the city of Marshall. This collaborative effort will allow five low-income families the opportunity to become home owners.

Of the five houses, two are nearing completion and the remaining three will be started this fall. All of the homes should be completed by January of 2018. Local contractors and suppliers have been involved in all phases of the construction of the homes. Future plans are to apply for additional funding to complete seven more homes in Marshall.

UCAP’s Housing Department also serves clients through Energy Assistance, Weatherization, Small Cities Development Program grants, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency loans and Conservation Improvement Programs. UCAP also has 30 active MURL houses from an original portfolio of 56 units.