PLUS Kids (Parents Love Us Kids) is a supervised visitation and exchange center located in Alexandria MN. PLUS Kids provides a warm, friendly place for parents who are in need of supervised visits with their child(ren) due to issues of conflict, safety and/or abuse, so they can have parenting time in a safe and neutral setting. Supervised visits can be provided in person or via phone and skype. Transitional programming is provided in order for families to move through a series of services that build trust within a parent-child relationship while decreasing the amount of restrictions. The goal of these services is to move families into a more normalized relationship with their children in an unsupervised setting. Self-care, parenting skills and child-focused education are offered to parents as well as resources and referrals to parents who have identified areas in which they may need assistance. PLUS kids has activities for children from birth to 17years, offers flexible weekday and weekend hours and services are provided on a sliding fee scale. PLUS Kids provides service to approximately 400 families per year.
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