Community Action Partnership of Suburban Hennepin’s (CAPSH) Legal Service Clinics provide low-income clients the opportunity to speak with volunteer attorneys about legal questions and receive advice on how to resolve them. CAPSH holds monthly free Legal Service Clinics at locations throughout Hennepin County to make them convenient and accessible to all income-eligible Hennepin County residents. CAPSH’s Legal Service Clinics provide brief legal advice in the following areas: Family Law, Bankruptcy, Consumer Debt, Divorce/ Custody, Employment, Housing, Criminal Expungement and Immigration.
Success Story
“I was a victim of identity theft. This came to light when I found out I had multiple withdrawals from my bank account from an insurance company totaling nearly $3,000. With my language difficulties I could not get the bank or insurance company to cooperate. I couldn’t afford to hire an attorney so I called CAPSH. CAPSH’s volunteer attorney went above and beyond by reviewing my case and working with the bank to recover my money. The bank refunded me over $2,000. I am so grateful for the time and support I received at CAPSH. I couldn’t have resolved this without the legal assistance of CAPSH’s Legal Services.”
– Legal Service clinic Client
New Criminal Expungement Law offers hope and new start
On January 1, 2015 a new criminal expungement law came into effect in Minnesota. The new law is extremely important to individuals who are struggling to overcome burdens imposed by past criminal records that make it very difficult to find employment and safe housing. The new law allows for expungement of criminal records in all government branches including the executive branch (Bureau of Criminal Apprehension) and government agencies (like the Department of Health). CAPSH volunteer attorneys provide preliminary advice as to whether a person is eligible to petition for expungement and clients are encouraged to obtain both the court records and the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension record so the attorney can provide better advice. The attorney reviews the records, advises on whether or not to proceed with the criminal expungement process, and assists with the preparation of the necessary court documents – the petition for expungement, service of process documents, draft orders and affidavits.
Changing the lives of and embracing new immigrants with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals application assistance
As part of the Legal Services Clinics, CAPSH provides legal assistance to low-income immigrants and refugee communities in Hennepin County. Volunteer attorneys provide assistance to clients to apply for citizenship, renew green cards and apply for “U” visas (for victims of crimes. CAPSH also provides application assistance to those who may be eligible for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The Executive Order, issued in 2012, allows young persons who came to the United States as children and who meet specific eligibility guidelines, to request consideration for deferred action from potential removal from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Individuals who are granted deferred action are exempt from removal proceedings for 2 years and are granted work authorizations (legal social security numbers).
A DACA client states, “My family is profoundly thankful for the assistance we have received from CAPSH. I was able to obtain a job that pays more than what I was making, but more importantly I completed my GED classes, and am now pursuing further education. Our family has been completely changed because of this. We feel free knowing that I don’t run the risk of being deported…. Thank you CAPSH for all the assistance you provided to our family. Without your support we would not have been to achieve what we have.”
Visit CAPSH's website for schedule and contact information for CAPSH’s Legal Service Clinics: