Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s budget proposal maintains and expands vital investments in Community Action Agency programs, which provide low-income Minnesotans with the essential emergency services they need during the pandemic and help them move out of poverty during our recovery from COVID-19, as outlined in MinnCAP's 20201 policy agenda and recent white paper.
Some highlights of the Governor’s budget proposal, include:
- Maintaining funding for the Minnesota Community Action Grant, giving Community Action Agencies and Tribes the flexibility to stand-up new programs throughout the pandemic.
- Preserving funding for the Family Assets for Independence Minnesota (FAIM) program, helping low-income Minnesotans build wealth through continuing education, entrepreneurship, purchasing an automobile, or first-time homeownership.
- Increasing funding for services for low-income Minnesotans across the housing continuum, from higher investments in emergency shelters and services for Minnesotans who are homeless, to additional funding for rental assistance, to more support for low-income homeowners and homeowners of color.
- $50 million of one-time funding for the Border-to-Border Broadband Grant program to help meet the goal of all Minnesotans having access to broadband by 2026. This funding will specifically focus on building broadband infrastructure in unserved and underserved areas.
- Continuing funding for employment and training services which help low-income Minnesotans find jobs and move out of poverty, a critical investment during the COVID-19 recovery.
With the investments outlined in the Governor’s budget proposal, Community Action Agencies will be better equipped to meet the immediate and long-term needs of low-income Minnesotans during COVID-19, throughout the recovery, and beyond.
Learn More about MinnCAP’s advocacy agenda and programs: